Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Environmental issues in the united states Essay

Environmental issues in the united states - Essay Example Non-point pollution is the leading cause of contamination in American waterways, tainting an estimated 1.3 million miles of streams and rivers. The Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) restoration program, initiated by the enactment of the federal Clean Water Act of 1972 is the principal legal solution for state intervention regarding non-point pollution. TMDL specifications require state supervisory bodies to take into account all sources of pollution across a river’s watershed (drainage basin). â€Å"Watershed is the term used to describe the geographic area of land that drains water to a shared destination† (FISWRG, 1998). In other words, the water in an area of land such as rain or melting snow drains to the lowest point then moves through a system of drainage conduits, both underground and on the surface, eventually congregating into streams and rivers on their ultimate journey to the ocean. The watershed of a small stream may be as small as a few hundred acres or, in the case of the Mississippi River, might include thousands of square miles across several states. Watersheds replenish rivers with the pollutant s from all along the chain of conduits. As one of many examples, watershed pollution can be illustrated by the deteriorating conditions at Lake Tahoe, the largest mountainous lake in North Americas and the world’s eighth-deepest freshwater body. Its waters were clear, enough so that a person could see objects at depths of more than 100 feet a century ago but the irresponsible use of toxic wastes by developments in surrounding areas have contaminated the lake. Visibility has now fallen to 69 feet, declining at about a foot per year. Environmental scientists advise that the lake’s clearness could be ‘irreversibly doomed’ with many of its fish and wildlife eradicated without extraordinary environmental protection

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Science Behind Love Essay Example for Free

The Science Behind Love Essay What is this thing called love? There are so many definitions that people can come up with for love. Some are easy to understand while others do not make that much sense. Many people think that love is something that happens in a split of a second. Actually what people don’t know about love is that it does not happen in a split of a second. Psychologists and scientists have said that in order for someone to fall in love, it would take at least 90 seconds to 4 minutes (Fisher, 2004). Many studies have been done to prove that the brain of the individual that is in love goes through a weird domino effect. It produces certain chemicals that make the individual act strange when the person is in love. It has also been said that in a way, science can help people that are in relationships (The evolution of romance, 2007). So the main questions would be that what are the chemicals that make a person in love and what are the tips that science can offer to benefit the relationships of people who are in love? Many people have this one question in their mind: what is love? What is the full definition of it? There is no one definite definition for it but one can conclude that love is something magical and it is something that everyone experiences in their life at one point. So what does love do to a person? How does it make them feel physically, emotionally, and mentally? When a person is in love, physically it does not really do that much. It does not change how to person looks or anything. What love does to a person is more mental and emotional changes. Mentally what love does to a person is that it makes them crazy; in other words, it makes them do some weird things (Middleton Anderson, 2006). Emotionally what love does to a person is that it makes them love someone else who is their everything in their life. At times it is weird how a person who is so much in love acts; they would say stupid things and do stupid things too (Thorton, Carmody, 2010). Many studies have been done to show that love does not involve just the heart. It also involves the brain. Read more:  Persuasive Essay Example About Love Actually the brain does play a huge part in the whole sequence of love. In other words, it goes through some weird domino effect that no one had ever thought about. Researchers have found out that there are these certain chemicals, or more like hormones, that are produced in the body which are sent to the brain (Murphy,m2001). These certain chemicals would be oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine. The parts of the brain that these chemicals play on the most would be the hippocampus and the thalamus (Murphy, 2001). There are many differences that can be said between men and women when they are in love. According to researchers, they say that women are more willing to make a change in the relationship while at times, men are just there. Men do some things to make a relationship work but not as much as the women would do it. Now researchers are wondering is it because of the chemicals that are in the brain that is making the women act much differently than the men. Researchers have also found out the in women, there is a higher amount of serotonin and dopamine but in men, there is a higher level of oxytocin (Young, 2009). It is due to the cause that since women produce estrogen where men produce testerone so it is due to these factors that men and women have different levels of these three chemicals that help play the role of love (Young,2009). They also those animals also have many differences among the humans. It is true that animals do experience love just the way that humans do and to some extent, they also have the same chemicals in their brains as well but not as much as the humans do (Rooks,2009). So what kind of love has to happen in order for the brain to be the major factor in the love process? Researchers have concluded that it can be almost any type of love. It can be a crush, deep love, intense love or any type of love that exist in this world today. Studies have shown that it takes about 90 seconds to 4 minutes to actually like someone or even possibly fall in love with them (Fisher 2004). It is pretty interesting that you can fall in love with someone within seconds and minutes but what does that brain have to do it? Let’s explore some of the studies that certain scientists have done. One of the famous studies that have been was by Helen Fisher who is a professor at Rutgers University in New Jersey. Fisher had a hypothesis where the three chemicals dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin have a major role in the brain when a person is in love. She decided to conduct a study where she would give the volunteers a picture of the person that they love then showing them another picture of someone else. This test would tell us how quickly the brain reacts with these three chemicals in play. After that, their brains would be scanned under a brain scanner which would show more evidence for this experiment. It would show the blood flow activity that happens when the chemicals play around with the brain. Many volunteers were interested in this case study yet there were some groups of people that were not allowed to participate in the case. People with some type of metal in their heads, for example lip ring or braces were not allowed to be in the study. People that were claustrophobic or were left handed were not allowed either. They wanted people that were passionately in love and that could hardly eat, sleep or drink because they are that much in love. Fisher was astonished with the results that she found upon this study. Her exact finding in this study was that the three chemicals that she used in her hypothesis were correct Before scientists only concluded that body movements is what made us react when we are in love but now it is proven to fact that the brain has its own central and network for the actions that are related in love. Her conclusion was that there was a part of the brain that played around the most with the subjects. All three of the chemicals that she used in her hypothesis were also in the brain that played the major part when a person is in love. There was this dopamine mother lode. What this does is that it elevated the amount of dopamine that goes into the brain when the person was in love. Many people think that love is a very small process that happens in the brain but it is clearly a much more difficult process (Fisher, 2004). Another famous study that was done was by the authors Bianch-Demicheli, Grafton and Ortigue (2006).Bianch-Demicheli, Grafton and Ortigue combined their findings when they conducted experiments where they would tell their study subjects the name of their lovers and with that, they would scan their brains and see how the brain reacts when basically their lover is the only thing that is in their mind. Another study was conducted where instead of saying the subject’s lover’s name; they would say a favorite sport, TV show or something along that nature and see the difference it has on the brain. They had about 46 participants that were willing to be part of the study. Two studies were conducted yet it was separated in men and women. The results were that there was a similar reaction time that happened between both experiments yet for the women, there was a little faster reaction time where they could think of their beloved much faster than the men. The time that they would think about their lover to the time that they would think about their favorite past time was the same. It also showed that their responses to the to lover’s name was much more active in the brain then the responses to their favorite pastime. The study that was done by Ortigue and her team explains to us that actually what parts of the brain are active when that individual is in love. It also does a control experiment where instead of using the individual’s lover’s picture, they would use another picture of some type of hobby that they like to do. By showing both the lover’s picture and the picture of their favorite hobby, at times, the brain levels were almost the same. Similar studies have been done to conclude the same facts and data that Fisher and Ortigue and team have found in their experiments. Robert Epstein teaches a course on relationship science where he makes his students participate in numerous amounts of experiments that would prove in a way what science has to do with relationship and how they can help as well. Robert Epstein is a professor at the University of California where he teaches a course on relationship science. He believes that in order for his students to understand the subject matter better, they should have hands-on exercises and experiments, one of which is Soul Gazing where he would pair each of the students with someone else and have them look deeply into each other’s eyes. From this whole class, 89 percent of them experienced a lot of intimacy feelings between them. Epstein then explains to us how almost half of the US first marriages fail and he believes that the only way to fix the poor relationship performance is to find a â€Å"practical technology technique† (2010) and then teach it to the people. . In a study that was done by James D. Laird and his fellow colleagues in 1989, Epstein says that Mutual Eye Gazing made the subjects in the study have a lot of feelings which rapidly increased. Those feelings made the subjects like and love total strangers. Both Soul Gazing and Mutual Gazing increased intimacy and it made the people feel vulnerable. A lot of the exercises showed some obvious results between males and females. One of the males showed no positive effects when he did the exercise with another guy. To him, it made him feel very uncomfortable. Yet when he did the exercise with a girl, his intimacy rate went up by 25 percent but the girl’s rate went up by 144 percent! By this, once can conclude that girls have more intimacy feelings then boys. One of the students Olivia did another exercise Secret Swap where it creates vulnerability when people share their close secrets with each other. When Olivia did this exercise with her mother, both intimacy and vulnerability rates went up 31 percent. She did the Soul Gazing with a total stranger and her intimacy rate went up 70 percent. It’s quite amazing that with a total stranger, your intimacy rates go up. There are some examples of movies and books that can portray these findings that these scientists have found. One good example that can easily relate would the famous story of Romeo and Juliet. With the studies that Robert Epstein has conducted, Romeo and Juliet are closely related. In the story, Romeo and Juliet see each other for the first time and right then and there, they fall in love. In other words, this can be stated as â€Å"love at first sight†. This can conclude the studies by Epstein and Fisher when she said that a person can fall in love with someone from 90 seconds to 4 minutes. Romeo and Juliet just see each other for the very first time and instantly they fell in love. People in the modern world still think that â€Å"love† is so unrealistic. Honestly in a way, that is kind of weird because they did not even know each other for even a minute and they fell in love. Another example of these findings would this Indian movie called Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, directed by Karan Johar. This movie is about two friends Rahul and Anjali in college and they are best friends throughout their four years of college. Everyone would think that they are in love but they are not really. Rahul would always say that I am going to find the perfect girl for me and Anjali would help him out. Until the day another girl Tina came. Right then and there, Rahul started to fall in love with Tina but there was nothing more than flirting between them. Then during their English literature class, they were talking about Shakespeare and his Romeo and Juliet story. The question was asked â€Å"what is love?† This was Rahul’s answer: â€Å"Love is friendship† (Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, 1998). Anjali was in shocked because her and Rahul were really good friends and she started to think that Rahul did like her. She started to fall in love with Rahul but really, he was in love with Tina and Anjali was devastated with this so she decided to leave college because she could not bear to see the Rahul and Tina in love because she really loves Rahul but he takes her nothing more than a friend. This type of movie can be closely related would be the Ortigue’s and her team. In conclusion, there is science behind the whole concept of love. It is not only involved with the heart and mind but the parts of the brain are also involved. Now that everyone knows the full definition of love and now everyone would think twice when they fall in love with someone. References: Brownless, S. (1997). Can’t do without love. U.S. News World Report, 122 (6), 58 This article talks about how science nowadays are related to love and how people react. Studies have shown that a certain chemical oxytocin plays a major role in the brain. The author also explains a certain study that was done on rodents and the results from that. Epstein, R. (2010). How science can help you fall in love. Scientific American Mind 20(7), 26-33 This article explains to us how in a successful love relationship, science can play major role. The author conducted a lot of studies that would prove to us that science can help with relationships and how it can fix America’s poor relationship status. Helmuth, L. (2000). Love on the brain. Science Now, 3 This article explains a specific case study that was done on students from a London. It tells us the specific brain areas that are highly activate when those students were in love. Middleton, L. Anderson, A. (2006). What is this thing called love? New Scientist 190(2549), 32-34 This article helps us understand whether science can help us understand love even more. Scientists are now finding certain chemicals in the brain that helps a person fall in love. It also explains to us how a person falls in love using that certain chemical. Murphy, L. (2001). It’s all in your mind. Psychology Today, 34(5), 26 This article tells us specifically which areas in the brain are deeply effected when a person is in love. The author conducts a special case study and tell us future findings in how we should measure love. Ortigue, S., Grafton, T.S., Demicheli-Bianchi, F. (2006). The power of love on the human brain. Social Neuroscience, 1 (20), 90-103. This article tells us about the recent discovery of the brain and how it is related and how it reacts when a person is in love. It talks about two experiments that has be done by these authors and their findings from each of the experiments. Rooks, J.P. (2009). The science of love. Skeptic, 15(1), 73-74 This article talks about how animal’s brain are somewhat related to the human’s brain. It also tells us what we can conclude from this finding. The evolution of romance. (2007) Harvard Mental Health Letter, 23(9), 6-7 This article discusses the study that is done on romantic love. It uses a another study as a reference from H. E. Fischer and come to the fact that love is related to one of the brain systems and with that, it becomes much stronger. Thorthon, E.K. Carmody, P. D. (2010). Depression, love, happiness and the quantitative electroencephalography in a single case study. Biofeedback, 38 (1), 13-18. The authors of this article talk about how closely related emotions and how the brain functions are. They explain to use how different emotions (sad, happy, being in love) react in the brain by doing a case study and explaining to us the results and the conclusions founded by the authors. Young, LJ. (2009). Being human: love: neuroscience reveals all. Nature, 457(7226), 148 This article talks about how the brain reacts differently in both men and women. The author describes how men are different compared to how women are different and also how their brain scans are different too.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Employee/Employer Rights Essay -- Business and Management Studies

Employee/Employer Rights I am writing this coursework to explain the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees at Richer Sounds. I will also explain the procedures to deal with disputes and with health and safety issues that occur in Richer Sounds. First of all I will describe the main laws, which protect employees within businesses. All businesses/organisations must display details of the Health and Safety at Work Act in a prominent place. A legal requirement at work is to have a safe environment and both employees and employers have to abide by the Health and Safety at Work Act and various regulations that have followed this act. The responsibility of safety is that of each line manager and, finally, the chief executive or head of the organisation. The Human Resources Department also have a part in Health and Safety as they provide information and support to managers on Health and Safety issues. Usually in large organisations they have a health and safety officer who has overall responsibilities for health and safety policies and training. Within other organisations there may be a safety committee, which is made up of representatives from managers to employees. The responsibility of this group is to make sure that all legal requirements are being met. Many businesses also have safety representatives who attend meetings of the safety committee. The representatives are selected by recognised trade unions and elected by union members, n...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Certificate of making good defects,c.d.m, latent defects

* Under 2005 The Certificate Of Practical J.C.T. Completion has far making effects upon the rights and duties of all concerned within the contract these include the beginning of the defects liability period which normally lasts for 6 months. Possession of the site returns to the employer. The hazard and harm to plants, and 3rd party liability transportations back to the employer. Retention is collectible in portion ( 50 % ) . Arbitration may be sought if required. No farther fluctuation to works may be issued unless monies for plants to be carried out are re-calculated and agreed. The restriction period begins. Application for the Certificate of completion may be made and within 14 yearss of reception of application the relevant organic structure must publish the said certification of completion. * The Certificate of Making Good Defects is a certification that is in relation to the completion of defects, imperfectnesss, shrinking and any other mistake raised during the defect liability period. It is issued when in the sentiment of the Architect and others the contractor has rectified and made good all defects and any other mistakes within clip frame of the defect liability period of clip allowed by the Architect/ Engineer and confirmed in authorship. The day of the month will be stated when the contractor completed said plants. * The relevancy of The Health and Safety file is such that it provides every bit much and relevant information as possible sing all plants carried out in the completion of the contract. It is inclusive of all method statements and hazard appraisals refering to the plants. It shows any jobs that may use to the hereafter of the development / construction etc.It minimises Any hazard to secret agents involved in any hereafter works that may be carried out, Such as care, redevelopment, destruction or fix. The file must be handed to the employer at the terminal of the contract.* LATENT DEFECTSThe possible paths open for a client one time a latent defect has been discovered is to raise certain insurances already in topographic point, and certain conditions under J.c.t footings of contract * Collateral guarantee. There are besides some alternate paths * Latent defect insurance * N.H.B.C Insurance ( Various ) * NHBC ‘s guarantee and insurance screen, available for up to 12 old ages, covering over 80 % of all UK ‘s new build societal lodging developments. It is specifically designed to protect Housing Associations ( HAs ) and other Registered Social Landlords ( RSLs ) build undertakings including new physique, transitions and redevelopments, multiple tenancy undertakings, anteroom strategies, pupil adjustment and mixed-use sites. This comprehensive guarantee provides extended screen for contractor defect liability and insolvency for up to 2 old ages after completion. Building failures cover for latent defects significantly cut downing the demand for indirect guarantees* Collateral Warranty J.C.T 2005 9.4The client may wish the contractor to supply a indirect guarantee under J.C.T 2005 9.4 Collateral guarantees are contracts necessitating the relevant parties to reason a separate understanding. The promise by the Contractor is similar to the contract inside informations at practical completion ( Defect Liability ) . If the contractor does non follow with the employers notice he may be apt for a claim of amendss for breach of chief contract. However if a defect does non demo until a much later day of the month, It requires the client to prosecute for amendss in the manner of contractual entitlement. If there is no insurance against the failure to supply indirect amendss the employer can see amendments to the standard signifier of contract.Latent Defects insurance* Latent defect insurance is a long-run insurance screen.It includes new edifices against harm or the at hand menace of harm caused by faulty design, craft and stuffs in the construction of the edifice. The construction of the edifice usually means the foundation, walls, floors, roof, other supporting elements, the waterproof envelope and if the edifice has a cellar, it ‘s waterproofing component. * Cover is besides available for loss of rent or revenuelost as a consequence of harm caused by a latent defect. Some insurance companies nowoffer Latent Defects insurance for undertakings retaining bing edifices and for bing edifices including some coverfor non-structural constituents

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Macbeth Essay – the Similarities and Differences Between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth

Tran Huyen My – Amy ENG3U Ms. Jeska January 10th , 2012 Before and After When comparing Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to each other, the main similarity between them that must be mentioned is that they both have high ambitions for royalty and greatness. Beside the only one significant similarity, they also differ with two distinct differences. Throughout the play, they both portrayed as evil characters who have committed the deaths of other characters, however the driving force of their cruel behavior are totally different.The reason that leads Lady Macbeth to her menacing personality was self-denial while Macbeth’s driving force was motivated by his big greed. The flaws each possessed resulted their downfall and this is the last different when comparing Macbeth and his wife. The main similarity that Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth both shared was their high ambition for royalty and greatness. That was also the foundation for committing all the murders throughout the play which are caused by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Due to the prediction of the three witches â€Å"All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor†¦ shalt be King hereafter† (Act 1, Scene 3).The prophecies not only triggered the ambitions in Macbeth but also give rises of bigger ambitions in Lady Macbeth. The death of King Duncan portrayed an example in the play that clearly showed how Lady Macbeth delivered herself with her ambitions (Act 2, Scene 2). As all the readers know, the first death in the play, King Duncan, who is obviously killed by Macbeth. To add to this, Lady Macbeth was also the one responsible for the murder of King Duncan. By using Macbeth’s love for her, Lady Macbeth persuades him into killing King Duncan because Macbeth loves and trusts his wife; he is vulnerable to her opinions and temptations.That is shown in the quote â€Å"We fail! But screw your courage to the sticking-place [†¦] who shall bear the guilt of our great quell? † (Ac t 1, Scene 7). Because of her ambition of becoming King and Queen, Lady Macbeth’s ambition took over her morality and eventuall ended up whispering deadly words that caused King Duncan’s tragic death. For Macbeth, his ambition was also growing as the play progresses. While the ambition of Lady Macbeth stops after she achieved her desire of becoming the Queen of Scotland, Macbeth was still getting more committed to his great ambition.The evidences for the great ambition of Macbeth are that he is again committed the next two assassinations of Banquo and Macduff’s wife and son (Act 3, Scene 3 and Act 4, Scene 2). He murdered these people because he was afraid of the predictions from the three witches that might come true: For the prediction of Banquo, three witches said that his son will become King, â€Å"Lesser than Macbeth, and greater [†¦]. For another prediction of Macduff, they said that Macbeth should be aware of Macduff, â€Å"Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbe th! Beware Macduff.Beware the Thane of Fife – Dismiss me. Enough. † (Act 4, Scene 1). Due to these two predictions, Macbeth decided to kill those people who might be a dangerous threat to his throne. Those two evidences clearly show the Macbeth’s great ambition completely turned him into a very greedy being and a man who lacked human traits as he will do anything, including killing people, just to secure his power. After all, both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are the same, they both have high ambitions which are just for achieving their own royalty and greatness.Although Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are both portrayed as evil characters who have committed to all the murders in the play, their driving force with drove them to their cruelty is totally different to each other which was also the first difference that differ them in the play. Both have the same evil characteristic but for Lady Macbeth, her cunningness is motivated by her self-denial. She thinks for Macbeth th at leads her to the decision of killing King Duncan because she wants her husband to become the King of Scotland. Quote â€Å" [†¦] Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here [†¦] nor keep peace between th’effect and it! (Act 1, Scene 5). In translation, the quote basically said that Lady Macbeth wanted to become a man, less like a woman so she won’t feel remorse, so that no human compassion can stop her evil plan or prevent her from accomplishing it. Through the translation of that quote, the readers infered that she wanted to be stronger because she felt remorse and guilty when she made the decision to kill; which means the humanity still exists in her. From this, it shows that she does not want to kill Duncan unless it is the only way can make Macbeth become the King.Therefore, right after she achieved her desire, the ambition stopped urging her which was proven by the events in the play that she was not committed to anymore murder afte r the death of King Duncan. On the contrary to Lady Macbeth, the driving force to the evilness in Macbeth came from his own greed for what he cannot have. At the beginning of the play, he was struggling about whether he should kill King Duncan or not and he seemed to be guilty for his decisions. After the murder was done, Macbeth officially became the King of Scotland. That was when he became more and more ambitious because now he could do anything he wanted to.Lead by the fire of ambition, Macbeth tried to assassinate Banquo and his son, Fleance, which was an example that really proved to the readers of his greed. Quote â€Å"To be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus – Upon my head they plac’d a fruitless crown [†¦] come fate, into the list, and champion me to the utterance. † (Act 3, Scene 1). From the quote stated, they showed that Macbeth was jealous with Banquo whose son will become the King just like in the witches’ prophecies,while Macbeth does not have a son who supposed to take his place as the successor.Macbeth thought it was not fair because after everything that he had done just for their benefit. To secure his power and protect his throne for himself, once again, Macbeth committed the death of his dear friend, Banquo. From those explanations, Macbeth has completely changed into an evil man because he was too greedy for what he cannot have. At the end of the play, the downfall of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth was their infamous death. However, comparing their downfalls to each other, they were also very different to the expectations of most of the readers.Their downfall was another difference contributed to the contrast between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Especially for Lady Macbeth, whom planned the murder of King Duncan and tried to convince her husband to get rid of the guilt and to follow her scheme. Before the butchery started, she showed herself as a cruel, assertive woman when dealing with her husband’s he sitation about the murdering of King Duncan which was shown in the quote â€Å"When you durst to do it, then you were a man [†¦] had I so sworn as you have one to this. † (Act 1, Scene 7).The audience was lead to believe that Lady Macbeth will never feel any guilt concerning the murder, but her guilty conscience was displayed near the end of the play. She began to sleepwalk and relived the murder in her mind. Quote â€Å"Out, damned spot! Out, I say! One; two; why, then tis time to do't. Hell is murky! Fie, my lord—fie! a soldier, and afeard? † (Act 5, Scene 1). During the course of the play, Lady Macbeth was portrayed as a tough character, through her actions with her husband, her own opinions of the murders, and finally she tried to cope with her obvious guilt.The guilt of the murder now has become unbearable for her and at the end, her unexpected downfall happened as she killed herself. On the contrary with Lady Macbeth, Macbeth showed his fear and guilt when dealing with the murder of Duncan which is shown in the scene of that he saw the imaginary dagger. At first, Macbeth's intentions would have been less serious if his wife was not more anxious than he was. Not as assertive as his wife, Lady Macbeth uses his love for her to pressure him to follow her plan, therefore, he was forced to murder Duncan; pushed by his wife therefore it is partly Lady Macbeth’s fault for Macbeth’s downfall.However, as the story progresses, the more inhumane and fearless Macbeth became as well as the body counts that he caused began to rise. For example, after the death of King Duncan was the death of Banquo and Macduff’s family was also the victim of the Macbeth’s rage. He seems to become forgotten the simple human feelings and emotions. The quote, he states, â€Å"I have almost forgotten the taste of fears: The time has been my senses would have cooled to hear a night-shriek and my fell of hair would at a dismal treatise r ouse and stir. † (Act 5, Scene 5). He even cannot feel fear as he realized Malcolm’s army are going to invade him soon.He further showed how he was immune to human emotion in the following moment, when he was told that Lady Macbeth had died. Macbeth reacted coldly by saying â€Å"She should have died hereafter. † (Act 5, Scene 5). Those are some evidences clearly showing the unexpected changes of Macbeth as his downfall escalated. At the end of the play, the last downfall that Macbeth had to bear was his headless death (Act 5, scene 8). Overall, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have only one same similarity and that was that they both have high ambitions and greeds for royalty and greatness, and this was the main cause for committing the murders.In the play, the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth unfolded in an already passionate marriage. They are grounded by their love and would do almost anything for each other, therefore, it was also the driving force of L ady Macbeth’s evilness which came from the self-denial. While the difference was Macbeth’s evilness was just motivated by his greed. They also differed from each other in their different downfalls at the end of the play. Lady Macbeth was an assertive, cruel woman at first which lead the readers to believe that she will never be obsessed about her guilt like er husband, but at the end, the downfall is that she has to take is her guilt and death. While Macbeth at first showed his fear and deep guilt for the murder of King Duncan. Later on in the tragedy, Macbeth’s downfall was his unexpected changes of becoming fearless and an inhumane person. Work Cited: Shakespeare, William, writer. Macbeth. Script adapted by John McDonald. Characters designed by Jon Haward. Coloured and lettered by Nigel Dobbyn. Inking assisted by Gary Erskine. Designed and laid out by Jo Wheeler. Additional information gathered by Karen Wenborn. Edited by Clive Bryant. Litchborough: Classical Comics Ltd, 2008. Print.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The V-Chip Essays - Parenting, Television Technology, V-chip, Chip

The V-Chip Essays - Parenting, Television Technology, V-chip, Chip The V-Chip On February 8, 1996, President Clinton signed into law the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which dramatically altered the telecommunications industry over the next several years. One of the most controversial sections of the bill was Section 551, titled "Parental Choice in Television Programming," which calls for manufacturers to include a "V-chip" in every new TV set 13 inches or larger. The V-chip is a device that will enable viewers to program their televisions to block out content with a common rating. Proponents of the system say that it will enable parents to protect their children from viewing violent and explicit material. Opponents say it violates the First Amendment rights of the broadcasters, and enforces government censorship on the television industry. Even though the President has already signed the V-chip legislation into law, it remains at the heart of a heated political battle. The strongest objection raised to the V-chip by its opponents is that it violates the First Amendment Rights of the broadcasters. They claim that the government is imposing a system of censorship that will lead to "blander" and "less dramatic" television. Representative Ed Markey (D-Mass.), who spearheaded the drive for the V-chip, argues that there is nothing in the legislation that limits the content of programs. He, and other supporters of the V-chip, say that the broadcasters will still be able to air any programming they wish. They will just have to accompany the programming with a rating that will help identify to parents the content of the programs. He emphasizes that it will be left to the parents to decide which programs they wish to view, not the government. Broadcasters respond by saying that there is simply too large of a volume of programs to rate all of them. As an example, they say that there are fewer than 600 movies that have to be rated each year by the Motion Picture Association of America, while there are over 600,000 hours of cable programming that would have to be rated each year. Supporters of the V-chip say that its purpose is to give parents control over the level of violence and sexual material their children watch on television. Critics, however, claim that the ratings will be too broad. They would not be able to intelligently choose for themselves which shows are acceptable and which are not. Critics argue that many shows such as cartoons and even the news could potentially be classified as "violent" and be blocked. In response to this argument, news and sports programs will be exempt from the ratings requirements. This creates it's own problems, though. It will be difficult for officials to decide what qualifies as "news" or "sports." Tabloid shows such as "Hard Copy", for example, could be labeled as either news or entertainment. Many shows will try to avoid ratings by claiming exemption as either a news or sports show. Another one of the biggest concerns of V-chip opponents is that it would cause broadcasters to lose money since many advertisers would not pay for time in a show that might be blocked from millions of households. This would eventually cause the networks to drop highly rated shows in favor of "blander" fare that will attract more advertiser revenue. Even though the V-chip has been signed into law, there are still tremendous hurdles it must pass before it appears in television sets. The last major hurdle the V-chip has to clear is the battery of legal challenges it is sure to face. Designers are reluctant to devote time and resources to designing a system that may be found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Since the court decision is not likely to come until near the deadline for full implementation, however, designers will simply have to gamble their funds that the system will be approved. Both sides agree that the V-chip is bound to have an impact on the type of programming offered. Cable channels are unlikely to change much, since they are not advertiser funded, but network television will be forced to rely on sitcoms and other "inoffensive" programming. While some believe this is a good thing, others worry that viewers will turn to cable channels, and network programming will lose its audience, and therefore its advertiser funding.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Evaluation of Oboe Concerto by Vaughan Williams essays

Evaluation of Oboe Concerto by Vaughan Williams essays The oboe is a challenging instrument, and composing for it poses many difficulties. To truly do the instrument justice, it must shine and blend all at once, and this piece certainly does the oboe justice. The limitations of the oboe are considered in the writing of the Concerto, but it still pushes some barriers. There are many difficult passages for an experienced player to master; some through endurance, others through a firm control of pitch. There are parts that are quite pleasing to the ear, while others are a little much. Also, consideration must be given to the instrumentalist herself, Celia Nicklin. There are aspects of her performance which do the part justice, while others are lacking. First an analysis of what seems challenging about the piece. Right from the beginning Vaughan Williams seems determined to use the full capabilities of the oboe. From the quietest dip into the low notes, to the soaring upper register, it is a stunning intro. The arpeggiated passages are of particular concern. The jumps and skips over fifths, sixths and greater are hard to play on the oboe smoothly. To have the fingers flying over the keys this quickly and still have the instrument firmly in place is quite a dilemma. Because of some of the fingerings, it is not an overly easy instrument to keep stable, but any slip or wiggle and the pitch would waver and the note could crack. The player seems to be able to maneuver this easily. Then comes the faster running passages. This takes quite a bit of practice, but considering that the fingerings on the oboe are not always conducive to quick rolls up and down the scale this is a technically demanding feature of the piece. The oboist is fully in control of these passages, never rushing the easi er parts, or slowing on the more difficult transitions. The jazzy influence of this piece is also challenging, as it is a style of playing tha ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Avoid Bed Bugs When You Travel

How to Avoid Bed Bugs When You Travel Bed bugs were once a pest of the past, but they’ve made a remarkable comeback in recent years. Just a few hitchhiking bed bugs in your luggage can start a full-scale infestation of these bloodsucking insects in your home.   What Do Bed Bugs Look Like? Adult bed bugs are oval in  shape and brown or reddish in color. Immature bed bugs tend to be lighter in color. Bed bugs usually live in groups, so where theres one, theres likely to be many. Other signs that bed bugs are present include tiny black spots on linens or furniture (excrement) and piles of light brown skin casings. 4 Common Myths About Bed Bugs The mere thought of bed bugs might be enough to make your skin crawl (literally!), but its important you understand a few things about these pests and their habits. Bed bugs dont transmit diseases and arent generally considered a threat to your health. As with any insect bite, bed bug bites can be itchy, and some peoples skin may be more sensitive than others.Bed bugs are not a product of filth. They will inhabit even the cleanest of homes. Dont assume your house or your hotel room is too clean to host bed bugs. If theres something for them to eat (usually you), bed bugs will be just as happy in a 5-star resort as they will in a cheap motel.Bed bugs are nocturnal. That means theyre only going to show their faces at night when its good and dark. Dont expect to walk into a hotel room in broad daylight and see bed bugs crawling up the walls.Bed bugs are really small. Adult  bed bugs are visible to the naked eye but youll need a magnifying glass to spot their eggs. Because theyre so tiny, bed bugs can hide in places youd never think of looking.   Fortunately, theres plenty you can do to minimize your chances of bringing bed bugs home from your next vacation or business trip. What to Research Before You Go Before you hit the road on your next vacation or business trip, do your homework. People are quick to share their travel experiences online, especially when it comes to  bed bugs  in hotel rooms. Websites like  Tripadvisor, where customers post their own reviews of hotels and resorts, are invaluable resources to  see if your hotel has  a bed bug problem. You can also check out, an online database that tracks reported  bed bug infestations  in hotels and apartments. The bottom line – if people are saying theyve seen  bed bugs at a certain hotel  or resort, dont stay there on your trip. How to Pack to Avoid Bed Bugs Use sealable sandwich bags. This way even if you do end up in a room with the pests your belongings will be protected. Get yourself a good supply of large baggies (gallon  sizes work great), and seal everything you can inside them. Clothing, shoes, toiletries, and even books can be zipped up tight. Make sure you seal the baggies completely, as even a tiny opening can allow a wandering bed bug to get in. When in your hotel room, keep the baggies zipped shut unless you need access to an item inside. Use hard-sided luggage.  Cloth-sided luggage offers bed bugs a million hideaways. Hard-sided luggage doesnt have folds or seams where bed bugs can hide, and it closes completely, with no gaps so the pests cant penetrate your bags interior.   If you must use soft-sided luggage for your trip, lighter-colored bags are better. Bed bugs will be virtually impossible to spot on black or dark-colored bags. Pack clothing that is easy to launder. Avoid packing clothing that can only be laundered in cold water. Washing in hot water, then drying at high heat, does a good job of killing any bed bugs carried home on clothes, so youll want to choose garments that can be easily debugged  when you return. How to Inspect Your Hotel Room for Bed Bugs When you arrive at your hotel or resort, leave your luggage in the car or with the bellhop. Should you walk in and find a room teeming with  bed bugs, you dont want your belongings sitting in the midst of the infestation.  Dont bring your bags into the room until youve done a proper bed bug inspection. Bed bugs hide during daylight hours, and theyre quite small, so finding them takes a little work. Its a good idea to  carry a small flashlight  when you  travel since bed bugs will likely be hiding  in the darkest crevices of the room.  A LED  key chain makes a great bed bug inspection tool.   The sulfur in an unlit match will cause the bugs to flee. Run an unlit match along the seam of the mattress to bring the bugs out of hiding. Where to Look When Inspecting a Hotel Room for Bed Bugs Start with the bed (theyre called bed bugs for a reason, after all). Check the linens thoroughly for any signs of bed bugs, especially around any seams, piping, or ruffles. Dont forget to inspect the dust ruffle, a common hiding place for  bed bugs  that  are  often overlooked. Pull back the sheets, and inspect the mattress, again looking carefully at any seams or piping. If theres a box spring, check for bed bugs there as well. If possible, lift each corner of the mattress and box spring and inspect the bed frame, another popular hiding place for bed bugs. Bed bugs can also live in wood. Continue your inspection by examining any furniture or other items near the bed.  The majority of bed bugs  live within close proximity to the bed. If you are able, inspect behind the headboard, which is often mounted on the wall in hotel rooms. Also, look behind picture frames and mirrors. Pull out any drawers, using your flashlight to look inside the dresser and nightstand. What to Do If You Find Bed Bugs in Your Hotel Room? Go immediately to the front desk and ask for a different room. Tell the management what bed bug evidence you found, and specify that you want a room with no history of bed bug problems. Dont let them give you a room adjacent to the room where you found bed bugs (including the rooms above or below it), as bed bugs can easily travel through ductwork or wall cracks into adjoining rooms. Be sure to repeat your bed bug inspection in the new room, too. While Youre Staying at the Hotel Just because you didnt find any bed bugs, doesnt mean they arent there. Its quite possible your room could still have pests, so take a few extra precautions. Never place your luggage or your clothing on the floor or bed. Store your bags on the luggage rack or on top of a dresser, off the floor. Keep any  items, not in use sealed in baggies. How to Unpack From Your Trip and Kill Any Stowaway Bed Bugs After you check out of the hotel, you can take steps to keep any undetected  bed bugs  from following you home. Before you put your luggage in the car to head home, place it in a large plastic garbage bag and knot it tightly closed. Once you get home, unpack carefully.   All clothing and other machine washable items should be laundered immediately in the hottest water allowable.  Clothes should then dried on high heat for at least 30 minutes. This should kill any bed bugs that managed to stow away. Freeze things that cant be washed or heated. Items that cannot be exposed to water or heat can be frozen instead, although this takes longer to destroy  the bed bug eggs. Keep these belongings sealed in baggies, and place them in a freezer for a minimum of 5 days. Electronics and other items that cannot survive such temperature extremes should be inspected thoroughly, preferably outdoors or in a garage or other area of the house with limited carpeting or furniture. Inspect your luggage, especially soft-sided pieces. Check the zippers, lining, pockets, and any piping or seams carefully  for signs of bed bugs. Ideally, you should steam clean your soft-sided luggage. Wipe down hard-sided luggage and check any fabric inner lining thoroughly.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Developement of China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Developement of China - Essay Example First it is the increase in the population of China and its economic expansion and second its gradual transformation from being an agri-based country to an industrialize country. Thirdly, its economy has been more of urban nature now than rural due to the building up of new cities. These three factors are considered to be the main factors behind the development of China and its economic rise on the world stage which is now providing it a much needed political as well as economic superiority in the world. China is the most populous country in the world with more than 1 billion population (Rosenberg). This percentage give China roughly 20% share in the world population and in other words a 20% market share in the whole economy which has largely remained untapped by most of the businesses due to the closed economy of China in its past. In 1600, the overall population of China was 200 million while its population during 1950 was 500 million however what is astonishing is the fact that this population has doubled in 1996 and reached to the point of 1.2 billion. (Bennet). China since 1978 has pursued many new measures and policies in order to restrict its population growth and it was because of this reason that the population growth since 1996 has been stagnant and is increasing at the decreasing rates due to the strict population control policies of the country. "By the late 2010s, China's population is expected to reach 1.4 billion. Around 2030, China's population is anticipated to peak and then slowly start dropping." (Rosenberg) Many also believe that this rise in the population could have created serious food and housing problems for a communist country however same has not bee the case mainly due to sustained economic growth of China over the period of time allowing it to keep the issues like food supply and housing well under control through the effective re-distribution of wealth evenly into different strata of the economy. Economic Growth The economic rise of China is being considered as the most important trend in the world as it has been continuously beating the recommendations of many analysts who predicted the cooling down of the Chinese economy due to high oil prices as well as other commodities. What is most important with the Chinese economy is the fact that it enjoys a low cost environment. Due to its huge population base, the labor is cheap thus giving it a much needed flexibility in production and manufacturing of goods and services. It also must be noted that the real era which ensured the economic growth of China started in late 1970s as it is from where China has actually started to open up itself to world markets and a slower and gradual transformation towards the market economies occurred. During 1950 to 1978, Chinese economy witnessed an average growth rate of 7% per annum whereas since 1978 it has been able to make a growth of more than 10% per year and it is continuous in nature. Interestingly the economic rise of China has been mainly due to the industrial development of its manufacturing based which has resulted into its

Legal Training Program (for Human Resource Management Class) Essay

Legal Training Program (for Human Resource Management Class) - Essay Example The workforce is becoming increasingly diverse. This contributes to the escalating rate of discrimination. One of the types of discrimination that happens in the workplace is sexual harassment. This is the most unwelcome and embarrassing behavior. Not only it can negatively influence the work performance of an employee, but it can lead to costly lawsuits for the organization. To improve productivity and to address the issue of sexual harassment, a good training program must be implemented. According to Konrad (2007), many of the US organizations are mandating the application of sexual harassment training program especially to their managers (p. 268). The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the federal government had been successful in addressing the concern on sexual harassment by ensuring that organizations under its supervision have conducted a training program for their employees (Swift, 1995, p. 53). A higher percentage of employees have expressed their satisfaction with the program. The assertiveness of the program has helped in reporting harassing behaviors which had been made easier for the victims. The same scenario had transpired in the European community particularly in the nongovernmental and voluntary organizations (Zippel, 2008, p. 66). The EU-wide campaign for sexual harassment training program had proven to be effective because more and more countries are adapting the program such as Germany, France, America and many more. There is discrimination in the workplace if there is hostility toward an individual based on sex, age, religion, race and even disability (Hoffman, 1999). Discrimination likely occurs in the workplace almost every day as employees interact. According to the study â€Å"Sexual Harassment Awareness Training at Workplace: Can it Effect Administrators’ Perception?,† the author found that â€Å"training has significant effects on the perception of sexual harassment ...† (Sabitha,

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Qualities of Leaders Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Qualities of Leaders - Assignment Example There can be a list of leadership qualities in the personality of Jeff Bozos (Anders, 2012). It is famous that Bezos always keeps an eye on system thinking. He always adds customers as an important member in the meetings. He is always planning for a long-term approach. Initially his investments may look like wastage but it may reap profits in the end. Failure is not a problem for him, but surely, he prefers to be creative and inventive. He always believes on a participative decision-making and due to this reason, he always prefers customer feedback. He is famous for giving values to his employees. Every single person at Amazon is considered as the Amazon Leader. Steve Jobs is a person who is considered as a very strong and successful leader; but there are some negative traits associated with his leadership style (Sander, 2011). It is famous that he was a bit arrogant towards other people. For involving all the team members, there should be a friendly environment in the organization. A good communication is badly needed between the leader and the team members. In case of his leadership, the communication element was missing. There were no training programs for the staff members. A good leader should keep his team members updated. Feedback is also another important part of business cycle and in his case there was no clear system to collect feedback. Sander, B. (2011), ‘Unforgiveable Leadership Mistakes That Steve Jobs Made’, Sanders Consulting Group, retrieved on July 6, 2014 from

CNA Code of Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CNA Code of Ethics - Essay Example The Canadian Code of Ethics The Canadian Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses plays a vital role because it reflects the involvement and nursing’s interest towards social justice by laying down corresponding ethical responsibilities and primary values which nurses who are registered in Canada are supposed to uphold in their course of duty. The Canadian Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses also comprises of statements with ethical issues which nurses may undertake in order to address social inequities that affect the well-being and health of their clients. The Code of Ethics plays a vital role for Canadian Registered Nurses because it contains ethical practice which stipulate that nurses should work with families, individuals, groups, communities and populations in order to expand the health care choices available and become aware that some individuals have limited choices due to geographic, social or economic factors, the lead to inequities (CNA, 2009). Soci al Justice Social Justice refers to the fair distribution of responsibilities and resources among the members of a given population taking into consideration the relative position of a given social group as compared with others in the community or society as a whole. Social justice also considers the major causes of disparities and the steps that can be taken in order to abolish or eliminate them. The term â€Å"resources† according to the concept of social justice in health and health care refer not only to the direct services but rather to other facets of life which can a have a positive impact on health, like for instance, gainful employment, food security, adequate income, a social safety net, adequate education and social inclusion. According to the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA), these are collectively referred to as the factors found in the social environment which are external to the system of healthcare and which are known to exert a primary and potentially change able influence on the health of various populations. To take action meant for social justice implies attempting to reduce differences occurring on a system wide basis in which certain groups of disadvantaged people are prevented in getting equal access to health care services and the determinants of life (CNA, 2009). On the other hand, Social Justice in Health Care also implies working with the aim of preventing practices which are oppressive such as discrimination of people based on sexual orientation, age, gender or any other factors that comprise the wealth and health of an individual. Social justice can therefore occur on a one-to one interaction between healthcare providers in a health facility themselves or between a patient and the nurse. Social Justice is a Nursing Concern Social Justice is a nursing concern because given the fact that all societies are known to suffer from systematic, broad oppression and inequities, these are bound to have a negative impact on both an indi vidual and the communities’ health. The equity of societal relationships that are based on gender, race and economic status will result in the stability of health population indicators between the various groups, leading to national and international positive outcomes. It is therefore in this same breadth that the professional in the nursing organization endeavors to ensure that no person who is receiving health care is subjected to oppression or discrimination of any form through the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Health Promotion Reflective Piece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health Promotion Reflective Piece - Essay Example Space was restrictively limited. Healthcare equipments were unfavorably lacking. There was a shortage of volunteer staff, leading to my group’s burn-out possibilities. Time constraint reduced healthcare delivery quality. However, such limitations further honed my leadership skills. Further, the World Health Organization rightfully spearheads the global healthcare process. The organization ensures stopping any disorder. The same organization focuses on improving the global population’s health issues. The organization helps alleviate or reduce the world’s disability statistics. Global health transcends the other concerns of each member nation (Sines, 2009). Furthermore, public health correctly incorporates several intervention processes (Sines, 2009). Disease is prevented from escalating or erupting. The average person’s life expectancy is increase. My Kyrgyztan volunteer team’s limited time, equipment, and other resources did not deter our successful delivery of quality services to our assigned patients. My team effectively delivered timely intervention strategies by framing each patient’s problem or issue, gathering of relevant evidences and related intervention data (patients’ daily data tracking charts and corresponding reports), and implementing the best intervention procedures within the limited time constraints. Moreover, health care theories are important (Sines, 2009). For example, the social cognitive theory rightfully focuses on learning from other people through observations and lectures. The health belief model correctly centers on the using the patients’ beliefs and attitudes to predict the patients’ future healthcare behavior. Lastly, I applied the change theory correctly enhance delivery of healthcare services to my Kyrgyzstan patients. Further, I liked the program planning cycle. I keenly applied the planning cycle when assessing my Kyrgyzstan patients’ healthcare needs, including

Physics Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Physics - Speech or Presentation Example (6 marks) Where h1 and h2 refer to elevation of fluid, P1 and P2 pertain to pressures experienced by the fluid which vary inversely as the speed of the fluid given either by v1 or v2. Ï  stands for the density of the fluid and Bernoulli’s equation is basically a statement of conservation of energy (relating the pressure energy, PE, and KE of a perfect fluid) that applies to conditions along a streamline. (b) An aircraft has a mass of 4.0 Ãâ€" 104 kg and is in steady level flight. The area of each wing is 25 m2 and the speed of the air just below the wing is 280 m s−1. Calculate the speed of the air just above the wing. The density of air is 1.2 kg m−3. (5 ½ marks) A toboggan (A) of mass 35 kg slides down an icy slope which makes an angle of 20 ° with the horizontal (Figure 2). The toboggan starts from rest, travels a distance of 15 m down the slope after which the slope levels out to horizontal and the toboggan immediately collides with a second toboggan (B) of mass 25 kg. The coefficient of sliding friction between a toboggan and the icy surface is 0.24 and air resistance is negligible. c) After the collision both toboggans are moving with velocities that are in the same direction that toboggan A was moving immediately before the collision, and the speed of toboggan A is 1.4 m s−1. Calculate the speed of toboggan B immediately after the collision. (3 marks) A trainee pilot is on a flour-bombing exercise. He is aiming to hit a target on the ground which is 15 m in diameter whilst he is flying at a speed of 45 m s−1 at a height of 98 m. Air resistance is negligible and the pilot maintains a steady speed in a straight line that passes directly over the target. Obviously, the time it takes for the flour bomb to hit the ground would be lessened since the height is in direct proportion to the square of time. Similarly, the distance from the point above the target would be

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Health Promotion Reflective Piece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health Promotion Reflective Piece - Essay Example Space was restrictively limited. Healthcare equipments were unfavorably lacking. There was a shortage of volunteer staff, leading to my group’s burn-out possibilities. Time constraint reduced healthcare delivery quality. However, such limitations further honed my leadership skills. Further, the World Health Organization rightfully spearheads the global healthcare process. The organization ensures stopping any disorder. The same organization focuses on improving the global population’s health issues. The organization helps alleviate or reduce the world’s disability statistics. Global health transcends the other concerns of each member nation (Sines, 2009). Furthermore, public health correctly incorporates several intervention processes (Sines, 2009). Disease is prevented from escalating or erupting. The average person’s life expectancy is increase. My Kyrgyztan volunteer team’s limited time, equipment, and other resources did not deter our successful delivery of quality services to our assigned patients. My team effectively delivered timely intervention strategies by framing each patient’s problem or issue, gathering of relevant evidences and related intervention data (patients’ daily data tracking charts and corresponding reports), and implementing the best intervention procedures within the limited time constraints. Moreover, health care theories are important (Sines, 2009). For example, the social cognitive theory rightfully focuses on learning from other people through observations and lectures. The health belief model correctly centers on the using the patients’ beliefs and attitudes to predict the patients’ future healthcare behavior. Lastly, I applied the change theory correctly enhance delivery of healthcare services to my Kyrgyzstan patients. Further, I liked the program planning cycle. I keenly applied the planning cycle when assessing my Kyrgyzstan patients’ healthcare needs, including

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Credit Card Companies targeting College Students on Campuses Essay

Credit Card Companies targeting College Students on Campuses - Essay Example Moreover, almost a third of the 76% of current college students have been offered free gifts in order to sign up for the credit cards. Consequently, this has led to nearly a dozen of states restricting credit card marketing to students within campuses. Despite such moves, credit companies have persistently remained aggressive in signing up students within campuses for credit cards (Chu). This is despite the common view credit companies should not target college students on their campuses while marketing credit cards. Arguments against Marketing of Credit Cards to Students within Campuses Marketing of credit cards to students within campuses is against provisions of Federal Law on credit cards for college students. According to Chu, Federal Law on credit card categorically outlines that no bank or financial lending institution should give credit card to students and young adults of below 21 years who have no steady income or cosigner. This federal law prohibition provides a framework within which credit cards should be given that is, to persons above 21 years with a steady income. Unfortunately, most undergraduates after finishing school end up with enormous credit, which may eventually lead to bankruptcy and at the verge of financial crisis. Based on statistics obtained by the US Public Interest Research Group, graduating college students leave school with approximately $ 4,000 in debts ( The US Public Interest Research Group goes ahead to establish that 56% of undergraduates obtain their first credit cards at the age of 18 years, which is a period when someone cannot make informed decisions ( What’s more, by the time such a student is graduating, he or she will be in possession of four or more credit cards. Credit companies have been forced to enter into unethical business practices in order to entice and persuade college students to sign up for credit cards. College students are vulnerable to cheap offers such as T-shirts, pizzas, and other free gifts. Financial institution clearly understands the vulnerability of college students, which they unethically capitalize on to convince them to sign up for credit cards (Chu). Convincing and enticing of college students do not only include gifts but also dwell in short-lived offers such as lower interest rates and other deceptive marketing practices. For instance, in 2007 the state attorney charged Citi Bank and its marketing counterpart, Elite Marketing with application of deceptive marketing practices to entice students in order to sign up for credit cards. Taking ad vantage of consumer’s situation and vulnerability is an unethical practice that may only end up ruining and organization. The credit companies responsible for marketing of credit cards to students should be prohibited from taking advantage of college students’ vulnerability to cheap offers. College students other than being vulnerable to cheap offers are new, inexperienced, and uninformed adequately regarding credit cards and in the market place. In this regard, marketing credit cards with only advantages will make students accept such offers without understanding how it works and demerits (Dickler). As a result, many of them end up incurring hefty sums of debts, which trails back to their parents. Placing more burdens to parents in addition to their normal responsibilities of paying tuition fee and caring for students is unfair and uncalled for especially in the contemporary business world where living standards have incrementally increased. Statistics by US Public In terest Research Group clearly indicates that 61% of students fully depend on their parents for fee and all other educational costs, with 40% and 38%

Monday, October 14, 2019

Information Technology Essay Example for Free

Information Technology Essay Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following: How is information used in the modern enterprise? How does this use affect IT systems? Information technology has become spreading widely throughout our society. We live in a modern world with Internet access from our home, fast food chains, offices, schools and on our mobile devices, such as iPhones, iPods, Blackberries and Android Phones. Nowadays, the use of internet became essential to communicate distantly and the use of social medias for interactions as well as businesses through online marketing or other called as the e-commerce. The rapid advancement of this system has elevated the importance of the IT function. Information technology in the modern enterprise has developed gradually from a back-office component to a most important operational constituent that could improve businesses performances and increases shareholders value. Enterprises such as marketing, sales and finance are now cooperated by information technology. The core success of an organization is information technology because it serves daily operational support and enables enterprise wide change. Since information technology is essential in a modern enterprise it is sometimes serve as a threat in today’s organization. One of the examples is the personal information which can be sending through the use of systems and it can be a threat if this information consolidated from banks and accounts pertaining to financial aspects. In these cases, applying triad could be helpful that is Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. The protection of the information from disclosure to unauthorized users is confidentiality while integrity refers to protecting information from being modified by unauthorized users. Ensuring that authorized users are able to access the information when needed is availability.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

External Environment of Baker Mckenzie

External Environment of Baker Mckenzie 1. External Environment of Global Legal Industry To analyze Baker McKenzie organization in order to provide its authorities with specific recommendation for the successful future management of the firm and its employees it is critical to evaluate the principal factors of External Environment of global legal industry that have implications for the management of people and organization. To design an elaborate plan and implement it successfully in the firm it is essential to be aware of the wide business environment in which firm operates and of how this environment is changing over time. PEST analysis is used to access Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors of the Global Legal Industry (see Appendix 1). In general, the legal market was highly segmented comprising a few prestigious law firms at the top and small practices, consisting sometimes of a single attorney at the bottom. As a result of the globalization pattern a lot of legal firms became more international. While entering new markets and opening offices in new areas such political factor as local licensing laws pushed the firms to employ local lateral hires. If we have a look at the global legal industry on firm-levels we can state that the structure of an average law firm was common: LAW FIRM Equity Partners Ownership stake in the firm Revenue generating Responsibility for attracting new clients Associates (law-degree) No ownership stake in the firm Everyday routine consultancy Opportunity to be promoted to Partner (depending on the performance and firm needs) Support Staff Paralegals assistance to lawyers (law degree is not required but possible) Personal Assistants assistance to all levels In USA and many other legal jurisdictions the system of regulations was quite strict and law firms were not allowed to generate capital though IPO (Initial Public Offering) and the firms lawyers were the only ones who could held an ownership stake. This was a way to protect the company in terms of possible conflicts of interests. By 2004 various industries had to face high turnover trend and legal industry was not an exception. Such social factor as a work-life balance tendency added a new criteria which were critical for potential employees while entering the company. In law firms associates were changing the employers more often than ever before due to various factors the main of which is disaffection of: Poor firms culture the main reason resulting into â€Å"long work hours, lack of meaningful assignments and unfriendly work environment†. Compensation system as a result of â€Å"war for talent† and the practice to attract and retain star attorneys from competing firms (â€Å"lateral hires†) there was a high spread between partner and associate rates (sometimes as much as 20:1). Promotion system firms expansion strategyaffected the timeline for reaching the status of equity partner which was extended and a second tier of partner termed â€Å"junior partner† was addedto prevent the growing number of equity partners. In many firms it was understood that high billables were a requirement for advancement but in reality it did not necessarily encourage efficiency and taking into account the global character of some law firms such practice ran the risk of superseding all other metrics when promotion decisions were being made. In the recent years the customers appetites to the quality of legal services have been changing significantly and the clients expectations have been rising all over the world. The legal market was saturated with the number of law firms with appropriate professional expertise but only a few of such firms could offer a †value-added† service. Thus, to have a competitive advantage in the industry and to make a client happy a law firm had to accelerate its efforts to reduces associates turnover by focusing on corporative culture and soft skills and emotional intelligence development in the organization reviewing the performance management systems, financial patterns as well as each firm is to pay appropriate attention to all aspects of the international character of business and personal development maintaining a good relation with clients to make them satisfied. 2. Internal Environment of Baker McKenzie Baker McKenzie was founded in Chicago in 1949 and from the very beginning has intended to be truly global. By 2004 it was the largest law firm in the world by headcount comprising about 9000 employees spread across 70 offices in 38 countries and being among the industry leaders in revenue. Regardless of the fact that the firm has a strong position in the legal industry there are some areas alarming that Baker McKenzie is to review its internal environment particularly focusing on attorneys retention, motivation and improving companys culture. Such concepts as firms strategy, structure and culture are to be analyzed. 2.1. Organizational Strategy For a long period of time the general strategy of Baker McKenzie was global expansion. Due to the increasing competitiveness in global legal market and bearing in mind the fact that some clients became more oriented on not expensive routing legal needs in the late 1990th the firm felt that some changes were required not to lose competitive advantage. Baker McKenzie came to conclusion that their initial strategy which included such learning program as professional management education for partners, key-client account program and four-point strategic plan, was not efficient and ambitious enough. Even though the firm did make impressive progress on many fronts a more sophisticated approach was needed to develop further. By 2004 a new strategy was developed the main objectives of which were as follows: To achieve market preeminence by building upon unparalleled international capabilities through: deeper penetration of major clients; growth of core practice areas; greater industry specialization; To develop the firm in a systematic way so each office is able to support multinational clients and global strategy and excel and prosper in its local market; To align the firms organizational, financial and management structures more effectively with its strategic objectives. Finally, Baker McKenzie realized that people were paramount to the firms successful future and in this updated strategy the focus was shifted from the expansion to peoples qualities prioritizing the HR management. To achieve a competitive advantage in the quality of legal services the following combination of HR and competitive strategies (Armstrong, 2000) were followed: Companys Strategy HR Strategy Resourcing HR Development Reward Achieve competitive advantage through quality Use sophisticated selection procedures to recruit people who are likely to deliver quality and high levels of customer service Encourage the development of a learning organization and support total quality and customer care initiatives with focused training Link rewards to quality performance and the achievement of high standards of customer service Achieve competitive advantage by employing people who are better than those employed by competitors Use sophisticated selection procedures based on rigorous analysis of the special capabilities required be the organization Develop organizational learning processes; encourage self-managed learning through the use of personal development plans as part of a performance management process Develop performance management processes that enable both financial and non-financial rewards to be related to competence and skills; ensure that pay levels are competitive One of the major improvements in HR strategy was the implementation of Associate Training Program (ATP) which allowed the associates to transfer for the period of a year to 18 months among any Baker McKenzie office in the world. The strategy was a success as it enhanced the lawyers experience by exposing them to different jurisdictions, laws and cross-border terms. Also it was a great tool to embed and develop the relationships across the firm. It is also important to mention the rewarding performance which was used in the firm. For many years Baker McKenzie used a compensation system of objective nature called â€Å"the formula† rewarding the following four criteria: â€Å"Work Credit† (personal productivity of a partner; â€Å"Client Credit† (partners ability to delegate and supervise work done not by partners); â€Å"Associate Profit† (work done by non-partners); Tenure with the firm (number of years as an equity partner). As a result of such strategy the partners were not focused on development tasks but principally on generating fees. Such compensation system was suitable in early years when the firm opened its first offices in different countries. However, such formula is not efficient today and Baker McKenzie was to review it bearing in mind the best interests of the business. In 2002 the firm adopted new rules that facilitated the evolution to discretionary compensation systems based on more subjective criteria. In spite of the fact that not all partners were satisfied with such method and it was hotly debated before being approved, the key implication of such approach is growing recognition within the firm that changes in the financial structure and compensation system were needed to advance the overall strategy. However, the updated compensation system involving such new subjective elements as development associates and demonstrating leadership used for the evaluation of partners meant that there could be risk for the partner to receive substantially less. To conclude it is to be emphasized that new strategy requires a well-developed framework for its successful implementation. 2.2. Organizational Structure As it was mentioned in the previous chapter the principal strategy of Baker McKenzie for a long time was global expansion with the local lateral hires which were more steeped in techniques and traditions of their regions law (only few offices were staffed from the main office)3. It resulted to decentralization and spread among continents (see Chart 1). As per Burns and Stalker (1961) Baker McKenzie could be defined as an Organic structure rather than Mechanistic and can be characterized by the following: High decentralization of authority; Tasks loosely defined; Horizontal communications; Greater individual authority; Flexible and adaptable. Chart 1. Baker McKenzie organization, 2004 The advantages offered in the decentralization are that it: + Increased responsiveness to the local circumstances; + Enables decisions closer to the operational level of work; + Improved level of personal customer service; + More in keeping with developments in flatter and more flexible structures. But there are also some negative aspects: The same lateral hires results in tough control over offices letting no interference; Firm becomes inert to new programs and changes or their implementation results are low; Low sociability and interaction between offices caused by rare meetings. 2.3. Organizational Culture A key weapon in the war for talent in the 21st century is going to be organizational culture. To analyze the culture of Baker McKenzie it is important to look at it from different perspectives and use various approaches. In general, Baker McKenzies culture was a strong one encompassing several core elements such as: Internationalism and multi-culturalism; Sense of friendship; Equality of employees; Strong sense of independence; Consensus-building based on multilateral mindset and highly consultative, transparent and respectful style; Attention to selection process of laterals. According to Goffee Jones (1996) Grid (see Chart 2) Baker McKenzie located in Mercenary area gravitating to Fragmented organization as of its numerous offices around the world which tend to be autonomous. That results in general low sociability of the employees. This can be supported by the fact that international interaction was quite poor, presented only by annual meetings for equity partners and some star lawyers. Solidarity is high due to result-oriented strategy (a lot of billable hours required to be rewarded by bonus) and high compensation for partners level only. Chart 2. Goffee and Jones (1996) Grid Organizational cultures and their associated structures typology of Charles Handy (1986) is another popular model to examine the firm. According to his classification Baker McKenzie is â€Å"the person culture cluster structure† which is described as structure where autonomous experts and professionals pursue their own interests. This type of culture is characterized by high autonomies of partners and associates where management hierarchies are not acceptable and the legal business is operated by mutual consent and influence based on expertise. Having noted that it could be stated that such culture is in balance with the decentralized structure mentioned in the previous chapter. Facing high turnover and â€Å"war for talent† Baker McKenzie has to pay more attention to its employees to shape a firm-friendly culture required not only for personal and professional development of the lawyers but such culture which could have an immediate positive effect on the successful future of the firm. 3. The Development Framework By 2000 Baker McKenzie recognized importance of retaining associates as every lawyer who left the firm within the first two years never provided the firm with even a partial return on investment in terms of training, development, and replacement costs. The developed HRM strategy was placed in jeopardy. To find the causes of high associates turnover KPDC lunched a survey lead by two outsourced HR specialists which educed the following gaps in performance management: No or poor feedback on associates performance were provided (no deep review, no examples are given). This circumstance was complicated by cultural obstacle as many of associates reported that â€Å"it is not the practice of their offices to conduct reviews or that is a new concept†; No guidelines explaining business and legal skills required for each career step were given to the associates. This resulted in low motivation and lack of self development; Development opportunities and training programs were not clearly explained or not explained at all to the lawyers. In April 2003 two industrial psychologists were invited to develop new framework to overcome these asperities and meet common performance expectation across different locations of the firm. It was the right choice as it is almost impossible to deal with the different cultures from the position of usual management. The following final Development Framework qualities were highlighted as the basic criteria: Personal Qualities (PQ); Key Performance Areas (KPAs) comprising Individual Activities Categories (IACs). By such framework associates have been rated on a scale of 1-3 for each component: 3 â€Å"exceeds expectations†; 2 â€Å"meets expectations†; 1 â€Å"falls short of expectations†. This highly segmented system of evaluation could satisfy everyone and could meet the needs of the multicultural firm. Also it represented an actual approach to talent management. In general, the talent management strategy of Baker McKenzie can be characterized by the following main aspects: Recruitment identifying and selecting right people to met the challenges of the firms strategic goals; Development personal and professional development of the employees; Career Management coaching and supporting the employees throughout their careers. Having analyzed the external and internal environments and the Development Framework it can be concluded the main tool for Baker McKenzie successful recruiting, developing and retaining the chosen talent and to win war for talent is to find a common language within international offices of the firm for discussing excellence in order to facilitate firm activities and find the best fit between a lawyer and Baker McKenzies operation and culture. 4. Recommendations Undoubtedly, the New Development Framework is a well-designed foundation ready to be implemented and now it fully depends on how much effort the Executive and KPD Committees will contribute to convince each partner of its implementation importance. Based on the analysis of the Baker McKenzies organization, culture and strategy, including New Development Framework aimed on successful recruiting, developing, and retaining the talent it is recommended to pay more attention to the following aspects: Recruitment and Selection Process Organizational performance depends considerably on the quality of its workers. It is required to continue generating a pool of skilled and qualified associates, which have some of the necessary attributes to enable a suitable candidate to be selected. Appropriate range of selection methods of evaluation which can be partly taken from the Development Framework (IACs and PQs) are to be applied to cover such gaps as lack of soft skills for the potential employees. This will facilitate the candidates to integrate into Baker McKenzies culture and to meet the expectations of the firm. It is worth recommending while selection and recruiting process to bear in mind the fact that firm is working on standardizing its processes on international level. It means that there should be given more attention to the ability of the candidate to be a good team member. Such characteristic feature of the human being can be measured by some psychological testing as well the firm could several steps of selection process one of which could be a simulation or role-playing within the number of candidates. Such simulation should be observed by a number of specialists and assessed accordingly. Also it can be added that due the nature of globalization the preference is to be given to those candidates who have international experience or willing to obtain it. Developing Competent Employees In spite of the fact that the firm is focused on the highly qualified attorneys recruitment we should not underestimate the role of work-based learning. This is particularly important for paralegals being loyal to the firm and associates whose target is to become partners. Such methods can be divided into following groups: Learning from another person consists of coaching and mentoring. Mentors provide two functions: 1) career advice and support, 2) psychological function. As we could see from the analysis of Baker McKenzies performance management the lack of career development advice was one of the main drawbacks in the firm. It is important to note that coaching does not come naturally to all managers and it requires a number of skills which can be developed by sending the responsible managers to special management courses; Learning from tasks consists of job rotation and delegation. This involves moving lawyers into different limitrophe groups (e.g. associates from the Major Project and Project Finance group may broaden their expertise by being placed into International Commercial or Corporate group, etc.) Delegation is also a way of developing of employee as it can offer new challenge and responsibilities. Retaining Associates As the final point Baker McKenzie have to be focused on staff retention as high turnover damages not only performance, service quality and financial side but also a corporate image. First of all, Motivation is directly expressed by how to make people contribute to organizational goals while satisfying their personal needs. A good balance between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation is the key to success. In terms of extrinsic motivation can be applied such tangible rewards as: improved salary, the firm is to develop a more reasonable and balanced compensation system between partners and associates which can result to comfortable work-life balance; Perks like corporate transport or enhanced workplace. Performance Management is the other aspect which is extremely important for the firm to develop particularly in providing associates with: Constant and detailed feedback with clear explanations of their performance. Exposing their strengths and weaknesses; Guidelines explaining business and legal skills required for each career step. That will result in high loyalty and motivation as well. All these recommendations will result in successful Talent Management and firms prosperity in the future. Detailed Implementation Plan provided in Appendix 2. Also it is important to control and shape the implementation of current Development Framework. The future researches on the results of implementation have to be carried on as well. Bibliography Case study. Baker McKenzie (A): A New Framework for Talent Management. MPO lectures. Goffee, R. and Jones G. (1996). What holds the modern company together? Harvard business review, November-December. Mullins, Laurie J. (2005), Management and Organisational Behaviour. 7th ed. Pearson Education Limited, Essex, England. Green, Richard, (2003), Business Environment: An MBA Study Guide. University of Hull, Hull, UK. Palmer, Adrian and Hartely, Bob (2002), The Business Environment. McGraw-Hill, New York, USA. Graeme Martin (2006), Managing People and Organizations in Changing Contexts. Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, UK.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Coaching Decisions :: essays research papers

Coaching Decisions On December 20, 1996, Granite City's girls' basketball coach, Chuck Kraus, appeared to be agitated during the halftime conference with his players. After minutes of yelling, he began to use profanity. Five minutes later, he picked up a bench and threw it across the locker room. Assistant coach John Moad tried to settle Kraus down, but he failed. The coach pushed him into the lockers and tossed chalk into his face. This halftime outburst cost Coach Kraus a three game suspension. The first practice after his suspension, Kraus held a meeting with the players and the parents. Jan Shanefelt, the starting point guard of the varsity team, asked the coach why he came back, the girls liked playing under Coach Moad better. Quickly, Kraus became agitated and threw a hard chest pass that hit Jan in the arm. The next day Kraus wrote a letter of resignation for the rest of the year and will resume his duties in the fall of '97. Should Coach Kraus just get suspended for the rest of the year, or should he never be allowed to coach again? I think Coach Kraus should be fired without any hesitation. Many of the players and the parents wanted Kraus fired after the first incident, and they definitely want him fired now. In school systems today, many incidents similar to this happen often. Are athletic coaches today given too much power and think they can do whatever they think can improve the team? The coaches should be setting examples to the players, not putting them down. Athletics are not about winning and losing, it is about getting the most out of your players. Sometimes the players lose their concentration during the game and need to be reassured during the halftime discussion. Verbal abuse does not help the players at all. Coaches also need to remember that they are teaching teenagers, not adults. Teenage girls look up to their coaches, and lean toward them for guidance. After the first incident, Coach Kraus claimed to be sick which gave him a short temper. The December 22 issue of the Granite City Journal supported Kraus, saying "he is not the type of man to lose control like that. As much as Kraus has given to the girls' team, he shouldn't be punished for using profanity one time." The school board President Jeff Parker stated "he is not a person that coaches for the money, he coaches because of his affection for the kids." These are just some of the explanations in Kraus's defense to help persuade the school not to punish him.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibilities Essay

An obligation, beyond that required by the law and economics, for a firm to pursue long term goals that are good for society. The continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as that of the local community and society at large. About how a company manages its business process to produce an overall positive impact on society. About the company Cadbury is the world fourth biggest manufacturer of chocolates. Cadbury is a global confectionery and beverage manufacturer having its presence in more than 200 countries worldwide. The company started its operations in India in 1948 and is the leading manufacturer with 70% volume share of the chocolate market. In India, Cadbury began its operation in 1948 by importing chocolates. The company is also a key player in malted food drinks and sugar confectionery. The company after becoming a founder member of BCF embarked upon social and community development initiatives and attaches a lot of importance to social development initiatives. Core purpose â€Å"creating brands people love† Cadbury Products The market major of Chocolates offers the following products in the market:- Chocolates like Cadbury dairy milk, perk, celebrations, temptations, five star, eclairs, gems, fruit & nut, Cadbury crackle and many more†¦.. Snacks like Cadbury bytes Beverages like Bournvita Cadbury delight Candy like Cadbury halls Gums like Bubbaloo Commitment to the environment Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is at the heart of their success. At Cadbury India have always believed that good values and good business go hand in hand. It’s part of their heritage and the way they do things today. CSR is about growing our business responsibly. Migratory birds stop over at Bangalore factory Water is a precious resources. As part of Cadbury India’s effort to continuously increase water conservation Cadbury. Bangalore factory has constructed a check dam to store the rainwater. This dam not only acts as a major ground water replenishing source for the bore wells in the factories and surrounding community, but is also a stopover location for some of the migratory birds. Pioneering cocoa cultivation in India Since 1974 Cadbury has pioneered the development of cocoa cultivation in india. For over two have worked with the Kerala agriculture university to undertake cocoa research and released hybirds that improve the cocoa yield. Cadbury efforts have increased cocoa productivity and touched the lives of thousands of farmers. Commitment to the society The efforts of the Baddi factory team over 50 children of migrant workers living in and around Cadbury Baddi factory will now have daily access to non-formal education. Cadbury has set up a non-formal school as part of Cadbury commitment to create prosperous, inclusive and healthy communities. This is the first phase of project SAHYOG an 18 month project which commenced in January this year in partnership with an NGO RUCHI. The project reaches out to over 400 poor & marginalised families in Sandholi village near Cadbury Baddi factory and apart from education.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Economic Downturn in East Asia

A large economic downturn in East Asia threatens to end its nearly 30 year run of high growth rates. The crisis has caused Asian currencies to fall 50-60%, stock markets to decline 40%, banks to close, and property values to drop. The crisis was brought on by currency devauations, bad banking practices, high foreigh debt, loose government regulation, and corruption. Due to East Asian countries has prompted other countries to worry about the affect on their own economies and offer aid to the financially troubled nations (Sanger 1). The East Asian crisis has affected almost all of he Asian nations, but the three hardest hit countries are Thailand, Indonesia, The panic began in Thailand in May of 1997 when speculators, worried about Thailand†s slowing economy, exces sive debt, and political instability devalued the baht as they fled for market-driven currencies like the American dollar. Indonesia†s evonomy soom fell soon after when the rupiah hit a record low against the U. S. dollar. Indonesia is plagued by more than $70 billion worth of bad debts and a corrupt and ineffcient government. Thailand and Indonesia also suffer from eing overbuilt during real estate booms that reven2 were the result of huge influxes of cash by ooptimistic foreign debt, decreasing exports, and weakening currency (Lochhead 4-5). Other major countries touched by the crisis are Japan, China, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Japan†s economy is burdened by 300 billion in bad back loans and a recession. Chinese bank may carry badd banks loans of up to $1trillion. The banks lend 66% of China†s investment capital to state-run industries that only produce 12% of China†s Malaysia and the Philippines are both faced with devvalued currencies nd lowered stock markets (Lochhead 5). The implicationsof the Asian financial crisis are many. A declining Asian economy will reduce demand for U. S. and other countries† exports. The devalued currencies of East Asia will make Asian imprts seen cheap and will lead to increased American imports, thus increasing our trade deficit (Lochhead 2). A worldwide banking emerge could result if the embattled Asian economies failed to pay back thier loans to the U. S. and other countries (Duffy 2). If the Asian economies fall further, in a desire to raise cash, they might sell the hundreds of billion dollars of U. S. reasuries they now own, leading to higher interest An article in the Economist reported that the Asian economic turmoil and trhe layoffs that may result, could instigate increased discontent and possibly give rise to violent strikes, riots, and greater political instability. Since the financial turmoil causes instability in the world market, several solutions have been porposed designed to restore the health of the Asian economy. The int4ernational Monetary Fund is offering $60 billion in aid packages to Thailand, Indonesia, and South Korea. The aid will be used for converting short-term debt to long-term debt nd to keep currencies from falling lower in the world market. Lower currency values make repaying loans to other nations more difficult. The aid packages are tied to measures that will ensure that the recipient countries reform their economies, some of the measures the nations must follow are increasing taxes to decrease budget deficits, ending corruption, increasing bank banking regulations, and improving accounting information so investors Closing insolvent banks, selling of inefficient state enterprises, and increasing interest rates to slow growth and encourage stability. Hopefully these market reforms will allow East Asia to improve its economic outlook. Since most of the Asian nations have balanced budgets, low inflation, cheap labor, pro business governments, and high savings rates, the long-term outlook for these countries is very good. The financial crisis, instead of destroying the Asian tigers, will merely serve as a much needed lesson in debt management, orderly growth, competent accounting practices, and efficient government. Considereing the size of Asias contribution to the world economy, a rapid recovery will be greatly anticipated.